Back in July of last year we bred 4 of our heifers via A.I. Two heifers were bred with a registered Angus bull to throw F1 black baldy calves. The other two were bred to a high profile Hereford bull – Churchill Red Bull. All four heifers were A.I. on the same date just minutes from each other. But then…
We’d already moved the heifers up to the ‘maternity ward’ pasture so that we could keep a close eye on them as their calving time neared. Then we noticed one appeared to go into labor. YES!
But wait, what’s this? One of the other heifers went into labor as well. It’s a race to the finish line y’all. Will the Baldie calf make its appearance first, or the Hereford calf?

Back in July of last year we bred 4 of our registered Hereford heifers via A.I. Two heifers were bred with a registered Angus bull to throw F1 black baldy calves. The other two were bred to a high profile Hereford bull – Churchill Red Bull.
Although they calved very close to the same time, the baldie calf came along first, a fine heifer weighing 67 lbs.

Registered Hereford dam with black baldie calf
Her birth was followed minutes later with the Hereford calf coming along. Another fine heifer weighing 74 lbs.

Registered Hereford dam with calf
Exciting times indeed at Taylor-Made Ranch. Welcome to the ranch, kids!
We currently have other registered Polled Hereford animals to offer. We’d love to talk to you about any of them.
Want to know when we offer calves for sale? Or a registered Polled Hereford breeding bull? Maybe you need a bred heifer? No problem!
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