Registered Polled Hereford Calves Ready For Sale!
HEIFER #318-5 DOB 11-07-18
Photo taken 06-15-19
LINEAGE: Dam: # 43435586 – Ms Navigator ~ Sire: # 43684383 – TMR Simply Perfect
Heifer #318-05 – This heifer was born right here on our ranch at 75 lbs on 11-07-18 in a closed-herd environment. She was raised on pasture and now she’s ready for us to offer to you.
As part of our strict herd-health program, she’s received her immunizations on 03-18-19 and her booster on 06-12-19. We immunize with both UltraBac 7 as well as Virashield 6 + VL5. She has also been poured with Cydectin.
She’s already registered with the American Hereford Association and her registration will be transferred to your name at no charge when you purchase her.
BULL #299-5 – DOB 11-20-18
Photo taken 06-15-19
LINEAGE: Dam: # 43355700 – Ms Sonny ~ Sire: # 43684383 – TMR Simply Perfect
Bull #299-5 – This beefy bull was born right here on our ranch on 11-20-18 at 84 lbs, and is registered with the American Hereford Association. His dam has produced many show calves in the past, and his sire is our very own calving-ease herd bull TMR Simply Perfect (full A.I. son of Perfect Timing)
He’s weaned, calm & current on all annual vaccinations, being immunized on 03-08-19 with both UltraBac 7/Somnus as well as Virashield 6 + VL5, with a booster administered 06-12-19. He’s also been wormed as part of our rigorous herd-health program.
BULL #335-5 – DOB 12-01-18

Photo taken 06-21-19
LINEAGE: Dam: # 43435599 – Ms Vintage ~ Sire: # 43684383 – TMR Simply Perfect
Bull #335-5 – He’s one thick boy! This bull calf was born on our ranch in a closed-herd environment on 12-01-18 at 85 lbs. His sire is our very own calving-ease herd bull TMR Simply Perfect (full A.I. son of Perfect Timing)
He’s weaned, calm & current on all annual vaccinations, being immunized on 03-08-19 with both UltraBac 7/Somnus as well as Virashield 6 + VL5. He was also poured with Cydectin. His boosters were administered 06-12-19 as part of our rigorous herd-health program.
And he’s already registered with the American Hereford Association – we’ll transfer the AHA registration papers to you for FREE when you buy him!